
From offices
to a nursery school

Nová Waltrovka is a fully-fledged urban district offering a wealth of civic amenities. From modern office buildings by the Radlická street with diverse selection of shops, restaurants, cafés and other services on the boulevard and square to a restaurant in the historic foundry building. The wider area of Waltrovka also offers services including a doctor's office, pharmacy, nursery school and playground.


The Waltrovka complex includes its own park, playground and outdoor workout area, and a number of quiet places for relaxation. In addition to other nearby parks and the neighbouring residential area of Malvazinky, it is also only a short walk away from genuine nature, which you will primarily find in the form of the unique Prokopské údolí nature preserve and the horse pastures for Przewalski’s horses at Dívčí hrady.

Nature and relaxation
within easy reach

Route B

Jinonice and Radlická

10 min

Smíchov, Anděl
15 minutes to the centre of Prague

Lines 137, 149

Stops Jinonice, Hutmanka, U Waltrovky
A new bus stop will be built directly in front of the premises


Train station

Praha – Jinonice
Direct connections from Rudná u Prahy, Hostivice

Access from three main roads

Radlická, Jinonická and Peroutkova

20 min

Václav Havel International Airport


Quiet living area


A huge advantage of the sophisticated urban design is a quiet neighbourhood without road traffic. Thanks to underground parking for each building, most cars disappear from the surface. Furthermore, Nová Waltrovka is easy to access by public transport, including the underground.

Location map